3DWorld (109/293)

From:Thomas Frieden
Date:19 Apr 2000 at 15:14:23
Subject:Re: MiniGL archive corrupt?


On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Stefan Schulze wrote:
> I tried to compile the examples source both with StormC V3 and vbcc.

There's a problem with the vbcc support because vbcc is currently not
compiling Warp3D V3 stuff correctly. I think Frank is working on it.

> But I got many linker errors saying _SeveralSymbols not defined. I
> just wonder because I included the mglppc.lib into the project and
> some functions seem to be found by the compiler and some didn't.

What symbols are missing ? I guess it's PowerPC.library stuff, right ?


Thomas Frieden